Walking with Dinosaurs: The Movie 3D
Walking with Dinosaurs is an upcoming dinosaur film produced by BBC Earth and named after BBC's 1999 television documentary miniseries. The film features computer-animated dinosaurs in live-action settings, and the main characters are voiced by actors. The film is directed by Neil Nightingale and Barry Cook from an original script by John Collee. The crew filmed footage on location in the U.S. state of Alaska and in New Zealand, which were chosen for their similarities to the dinosaurs' surroundings millions of years ago. Computer-animated dinosaurs were then created and added to the live-action backdrop. The production budget was $85 million, though the film was labeled as independent due to no studio backing during production. Instead, most of the financing was covered by presales to theatrical distributors around the world. Walking with Dinosaurs is scheduled to be released in theaters in 2D and 3D on 20 December 2013.
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